Compression Machines: Things To Consider When Choosing One

Compression Machines: Things To Consider When Choosing One

The purpose of a compression testing machine is clear; it simply makes use of compressive force to load diverse types of concrete specimens to make sure that the material fulfils design and structural strength needs. 

These versatile machines and tools are the centrepiece of any type of concrete testing lab. They can even be configured in a diversity of ways to adapt to varied sample types, and the correct one can shape the overall success of your testing program.  You can even go for the digital compression testing machine if you like.

You know what, technical advancements with time have enhanced the overall level of accuracy, repeatability, overall efficiency and even that of performance for testing concrete, grout and that of mortar strengths in a huge range of sample types. These precision machines are mostly supplied equipped for a single specific sample type; e.g., a 6x12in cylinder, but these can even be outfitted with adaptive type of accessories for testing manifold sample types as well as sizes. And if you are thinking how to choose a right machine then keep  on walking through the following points:

Frame capacity and stiffness understanding  

It is absolutely important to pick a concrete compression machine that complies with overall ASTM C39 and other appropriate ASTM and AASHTO standards – and it must also adhere to rigidity references in the ACI 363 Report on High-Strength Concrete mentioning the overall load frame must definitely own a total capacity of minimum of twenty percent greater than that of the expected ultimate load of the cylinders. 

A load frame that is stiff both longitudinally as well as laterally, promises uniform specimen loading. It even reduces explosive failures, and even mostly will have a longer service life. Explosive disappointments, especially with high-strength type of concrete samples, may generate shocks to the hydraulic and even that of electronic systems, triggering harm and loss of calibration. So, even if you are looking for digital ctm machine options, be thoughtful about this aspect.

Understand your Sample Types and Strength needs 

The size of examples tested directly impacts the maximum concrete strength the machine is capable of testing. For instance, following the guidelines designated above, a ctm machine  having full capacity of 1112KN  can easily test 6x12in cylinders having expected strengths equal to about 48.26Mpa. Making use of 4x8in cylinders in the same machine allows testing of concrete with strengths of one hundred three Mpa or more, but precautions like that of fragment guards must be in place.

MISC Variables to be watchful about 

  • Are you going to be testing just one sample type (for example a cylinder), or do you really look forward to the capability to even test cubes, cores, prisms, and even beams in a range of sizes? As shared earlier, there are fittings to adapt your compression type of machine for more than a single testing application. Testing beams simply denotes you must ensure the machine recalls its level of correctness at lower loads. Flexural beam strengths are meaningfully lower than that of concrete cylinder compressive fortes.
  • Then find out what range of strengths do you really expect to test with compressive strength testing machine and are there particular precautions to consider? For instance, making use of 4x8in sample cylinders permits you to do the testing cylinders with higher design strengths, but some carefulness is advised as extremely high strength concrete samples may be prone to that explosive failure.  


So, no matter utm machine or any other type of machine; make sure that you keep the discussed things in your mind.


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